As a data owner, you will receive requests to access your dataset. Past and present access requests to be reviewed can be viewed by selecting ‘Review requests’ from the Access dropdown on the menu ribbon.
The table lists all requests made to access your dataset with metadata such as dataset requested and the requestors email. By default, the list shows all pending requests to be reviewed, however previously approved or denied requests can be viewed by adjusting the filter on the top right.
To review the access request, click the request ‘Name’. This will display the request information provided by the requestor.
When an approve or deny decision has been made, the respective button can be selected in the menu bar. A dialog appears to confirm this decision and to include a mandatory reason for this decision.
Upon decision, the requesting user will receive a notification of the decision.
The status of the request is also reflected back to the requestor, for example in the My requests table or within the request.
Data Owners can also archive historic requests. They can do this by selecting the DARs they wish to archive on the the 'Review Requests' tab, and then selecting Archive:
A dialog will appear asking users to confirm the decision:
Once the DAR has been archived the requester will receive an email notification telling that their request has been removed.
By default archived DARs are deleted after 30 days, if the Data Owner wishes to recover an archived DAR before it is deleted they should contact