Join tomorrow's ADDI Researcher Roundtable: Insights and Knowledge from Collaborative Data Sharing Consortia at 10AM EDT.

Meet our moderator and panelists for the ADDI Researcher Roundtable: Insights and Knowledge from Collaborative Data Sharing Consortia. Join the live discussion and Q&A on #WorldAlzheimersDay September 21 at 10AM EDT. Register on #ADConnect

Bulb Moderator, Morgane Künzi, Ph.D., is a postdoctoral researcher at the Dementias Platform UK (DPUK), Department of Psychiatry at University of Oxford. She works on the effects of early-life adversity on later-life brain health, including mental health, cognition, and dementia for the Blossom Early Adversity & Brain Health Programme and the Modifying dementia risk project. She received a Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Geneva (Switzerland).

Bulb Dr. Jorge Llibre-Guerra, MD.MSc, is a behavioral neurologist in global health and dementia prevention. He received fellowship training in Behavioral Neurology and Global Mental Health from UCSF Memory and Aging Center. Dr. Llibre joined the Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis as associate director, and he expands clinical trials and observational studies to individuals with familial AD. Dr. Llibre led significant progress to estimate the burden of neurodegenerative diseases in Hispanic populations. He is a researcher with the 10/66 Dementia Research Group from Alzheimer's Disease International.

Bulb Irene Meier, Ph.D, is a Clinical Neuroscientist renowned for specializing in cerebrovascular markers of AD, neuropsychology, digital biomarkers, and health equity. She has made significant contributions to the field in her roles as Director of Program Strategy & Operations at Davos Alzheimer's Collaborative, editor at Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, and an organizing committee member at BrainFit4Life. Irene’s has leadership experience as, Implementation Lead for the OneStudyTeam on secondment to AstraZeneca. She has a Doctor of Philosophy in Neuroscience from University of Zurich/ETH and Columbia University, NY.

Bulb Margherita Carboni is a seasoned clinical development professional in neurology and neuroscience, and is the Clinical Development Lead at Roche Diagnostics USA. She’s experienced in orchestrating clinical development plans and collaborating across functions to drive impactful projects. Her background as a neuroscience researcher includes Clinical Scientist and Researcher roles at institutions like the University of Geneva, where she earned her Ph.D. in neuroscience.

Bulb Miia Kivipelto, MD, Ph.D., is Professor of Clinical Geriatrics at Karolinska Institutet Center for Alzheimer Research and senior geriatrician and Director for Research & Development of Theme Aging at Karolinska University Hospital, Sweden. Professor Kivipelto launched the World Wide FINGERS network. She is the founder of the FINGERS Brain Health Institute, aiming to find novel solutions to promote brain health and prevent cognitive impairment and dementia.