Article An Open Label Single Oral Dose Study in Patients With Mild Alzheimer's Disease to Assess the Pharmacokinetics of Extended Release Formulation of Rosiglitazone (RSG XR) in This Population

The present pharmacokinetic study is designed to assess the pharmacokinetics of RSG XR as monotherapy in patients with mild Alzheimer's disease (AD) as such information will not be obtained from the current phase III trials. The study aims to enroll fourteen patients (seven of each APOE genotype). Each patient will receive a single oral dose of 4mg of RSG XR in the morning under fasted conditions and PK samples will be taken up to 36h.

For more information on this study, visit the Study Record Detail of the respective clinical trial here.

Manuscripts citing this dataset

Mild Alzheimer''s Disease to Assess the of Extended Release Formulation of Rosiglitazone (RSG XR) – 2016

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