Article A double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, parallel-group dose-ranging study to investigate the effects of rosiglitazone on cognition in subjects with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease

What is it and what does it include? 

This phase II study was designed to determine the safety profile and treatment effects of rosiglitazone (RSG) in subjects with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Three once-daily doses of RSG were investigated: 2mg, 4mg and 8mg with placebo as the control group. This report describes the safety profile and efficacy results from the study, together with prospectively planned and exploratory pharmacogenetic (PGx) results. 

The study enrolled a total of 500 participants across 67 centers in the following countries: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, New Zealand, Poland, Russia and Spain between January 2004 and May 2005.  

How can I use this dataset to advance my research? 

This dataset is ideal if: 

  • you’re looking for data that looks at evidence of release inhibition of cytokines interleukin 1 (IL-1), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) from monocytes or microglia in patients with mild to moderate AD. 
  • you’re studying the effects of altered glucose regulation and inflammation on the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). 
  • you’re investigating the link between treatment of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma (PPARγ) agonists such as RSG in levels of glucose in the brain and levels of inflammation in patients with mild to moderate AD. 
  • you’re studying the relationship between the genetic variants and/or gene expression (i.e., pharmacogenomics) of AD associated with safety, tolerability and/or efficacy of rosiglitazone/a PPARγ agonist. 

Manuscripts citing this dataset 

  • Clinical Study Report here. 
  • Scientific Results Summary here. 

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Data Use Agreement 

The data provider requests that all Data Requestors wishing to receive access to data must execute the Data Use Agreement (DUA). Find more about the DUA here. 

Publishing results using this dataset? 

Vivli requires that data recipients provide Vivli with a reference citation upon publication which Vivli shall share with the applicable Data Contributor(s). Additionally, Vivli requires the recipient to acknowledge the data in a specific format. For detailed information, check out Vivli’s Data Use Agreement here 


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