GERAS Japan was an 18-month, prospective, multicenter, longitudinal, observational study conducted in 30 sites in different regions in Japan, designed to evaluate the costs and resource use associated with AD dementia for community-dwelling patients and their caregivers. Participants were enrolled from November 2016 to December 2017. Eligible patients were males and females aged ≥55 years old, who had received a diagnosis of probable AD according to the National Institute on Aging and Alzheimer’s Association and with a Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) score of 26 or less. At baseline, patients were stratified into groups based on AD severity (mild: MMSE 21-26, moderate: MMSE 15-20, and moderately severe/severe [MS/S]: MMSE < 15). Healthcare resource utilization and caregiver burden were assessed using the Resource Utilization in Dementia and Zarit “Caregiver” Burden Interview questionnaires, respectively. Total monthly societal costs were estimated using Japan-specific unit costs of services and products (patient direct healthcare use, patient social care use, and informal caregiving time). Overall, 553 patients (156 mild; 209 moderate; 188 MS/S) were enrolled with mean age 80.3 years, 73% female.
Manuscripts citing this dataset
- Costs and Resource Use Associated with Community-Dwelling Patients with Alzheimer's Disease in Japan: Baseline Results from the Prospective Observational GERAS-J Study. 2020. DOI: 3233/JAD-190811
- Costs and resource use of community-dwelling patients with Alzheimer's disease in Japan: 18-month results from the GERAS-J study. 2021. DOI:
- Increase in direct social care costs of Alzheimer's disease in Japan depending on dementia severity. 2021. DOI:
- Gender’s Effects to the Early Symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease in 5 Asian Countries. DOI:
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