FDSA for Researchers
Welcome to AD Connect and the FDSA group. Start by reviewing the instructions below and the "Resources" tab guides:
ADDI’s Federated Data Sharing Appliance (FDSA) is a linux based production implementation of the FDSA Common-API (https://github.com/federated-data-sharing). FDSA enables federated research on highly secured and sensitive datasets where the data use agreements prevent the data from being moved and/or prevent the data from being accessed directly.
FDSA Supports remote querying and the return of summary/analysis level data (Level 2).
QBT (Query Building Tool)
ADDI’s Query Builder Tool (QBT) is a powerful addition to streamline your investigation. Designed with researchers in mind, this tool simplifies the process of querying data you’ve requested access to, offering an interactive and user-friendly experience. Click on the "resources" tab for more information.