ADDI's Editorial Take: Effects of LY450139 Dihydrate on Subjects with Mild to Moderate Alzheimer's Disease

What is it and what does it include? 

This diagnostic clinical trials of 43 participants who were at least 50 years of age and diagnosed with mild to moderate probable Alzheimer's disease at the time of recruitment aims to determine the safety of LY450139 (Semagacestat) dihydrate and any side effects that might be associated with it. The study contains samples from blood and spinal fluid for research related to Alzheimer's disease and similar (neurodegenerative) diseases. This longitudinal study in elderly patients with AD was necessary for assessing safety and possible Notch-related toxic effects, which would not likely be revealed by single-dose studies. 

How can I use this dataset to advance my research? 

This dataset is ideal if: 

  • you’d like to determine levels of peptides in blood and spinal fluid that might relate to Alzheimer's disease in patients taking Semagacestat dihydrate. 
  • you’d like to determine if LY450139 dihydrate may have an effect on ABeta. 
  • you’re interested in evaluating changes in thinking, memory, and daily living activities in patients undergoing doses on Semagacestat dihydrate. 
  • you’re looking to determine levels of study drug in blood and spinal fluid. 

Has this dataset helped researchers understand Alzheimer’s and other dementias better? 

Of course!  

  • AD & ABeta: 

In 2009, researchers analyzed the results from this trial and showed that LY450139 was generally well tolerated at doses of up to 140 mg/d for 14 weeks, with several findings indicating the need for close clinical monitoring in future studies. Decreases in plasma Aβ concentrations were consistent with inhibition of γ-secretase. August 2008 – DOI:  10.1001/archneur.65.8.1031 

  • AD & ABeta: 

In 2013, researchers found that CSF Aβ1-14, Aβ1-15, and Aβ1-16 increase during γ-secretase inhibitor treatment in AD, even at doses that do not affect Aβ1-42 or Aβ1-40, probably because of increased substrate availability of the C99 APP stub (APP β-CTF) induced by γ-secretase inhibition. These Aβ isoforms may be novel sensitive biomarkers to monitor the biochemical effect in clinical trials. July 2013 – DOI: 10.1186/alzrt30