Article AMYPAD PNHS (Harmonised and Derived) V202306

The Amyloid Imaging to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease (AMYPAD) Prognostic and Natural History Study (PNHS) is an open-label, prospective, multicentre, cohort study linked to a variety of European Parent Cohorts.

AMYPAD PNHS aims to improve disease modelling efforts and individualized risk stratification within the context of Alzheimer's disease, by the additional collection of amyloid burden, measured by positron emission tomography (PET) imaging.

The current version of the AMYPAD PNHS dataset integrates information from 10 Parent Cohorts: ALFA+, AMYPAD DPMS, DELCODE, EMIF-AD (60++), EMIF-AD (90+), EPAD LCS, FACEHBI, FPACK, Microbiota, and UCL-2010-412. This dataset includes a total of 3368 participants. Of them, 1620 underwent a baseline amyloid PET that includes the visual read and the Centiloid quantification (1476 subjects), among other metrics. Moreover, 888 participants have (at least) one follow-up PET scan, 763 of them with Centiloid quantification. The participant's clinical outcomes (e.g., cognition), disease (imaging) biomarkers, risk factors (e.g., genetics and environmental), and other relevant variables are included in the dataset.

Moreover, this version of the dataset includes only the 'harmonized' and 'derived' set of variables (further details can be found in the Data Access Request Procedure documents).

More information on the AMYPAD study dataset can be found here.

Manuscripts citing this dataset

A comprehensive list of scientific publications on these data can be found here.

Request Access

Data access can be requested via AD Workbench FAIR portal here. Access requests are reviewed by the AMYPAD team, and upon approval the dataset will be delivered to your workspace Inbox upon user-initiated transfer. The approval process takes on average one month.

Data Use Agreement

Please review the AMYPAD data use agreement here.

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The dataset owner has specified the following requirements when publishing results using this dataset.


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